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About Us

The mission of Boluo School is to make education accessible, affordable and personalized for all students. By connecting students with qualified and credentialed teachers, we are empowering youth to master skills to become engaged global citizens.

Our Story

I am Clare Lu, founder of Boluo School. As someone who struggled to learn English abroad from inexperienced teachers, I know how important it is for students to learn from native speakers at a young age. When I came to the US to study in graduate school, I was too embarrassed in my classes to attempt to answer questions or share my writing.  As I continued my education and career in the US,  I realized that many others (even native speakers) struggled with aspects of literacy, just like I did. I wanted to enact change and make English literacy learning more accessible, so alongside my sister Susan, we created Boluo School to connect students with strong educational resources. 


Today, Boluo School has expanded to more than a language learning platform. Our mission is to help kids succeed in a variety of subjects, academically and beyond. At Boluo School, students can find a wide range of specialties and curriculum offered by certified teachers. More importantly, our tutors will personalize curriculum to meet individual needs of students and form a lasting, nourishing relationship, because relationships are the foundation of learning.

Founders: Clare, Ph.D. and Susan

What is Boluo?

Boluo means “pineapple” in Chinese. Why did we select a pineapple as our school namesake? If you’d never seen a pineapple before, you’d find it a little intimidating. It’s tall, hard, a little prickly on the outside; the tough exterior hides the delicious inner beauty. Learning a language or a new skill can be intimidating too. It takes a little work to unleash knowledge, but it’s always worth it in the end.

Our Offerings

1:1 Tutoring

We began by connecting highly certified teachers in the United States with students abroad who wanted to practice their English skills.  As our students grew, so did we. We expanded our services to include students all over world.  Parents and students relied on our ability to recruit and select highly-qualified subject matter experts to teach our classes.  We now offer classes in reading, writing, math, social studies, Spanish, speech and debate. 

Small Group Classes

We realize that 1:1 tutoring with certified teachers can be cost-prohibitive for many families.  In order to make high quality education affordable for everyone, we created small group classes. Additional students offset the cost, without compromising quality. Participants still receive unparalleled education with individualized attention from certified teachers at a price that is accessible. 

Boluo Club

We created the non-profit Boluo Club to give our students and graduates a place to share their learning with each other. Our first graduates were so excited to have mastered their English reading and writing skills with us, that they felt called to give back to younger kids. From that excitement and passion, Boluo Club was born! Each week, one of our highly skilled graduates leads an elementary-level reading and writing class that anyone can join. Most recently, we also added STEM classes to help young students in related subjects.